
Rick Mobile Haul-Katy, TX

This year, the Rick Mobile made its first debut at Atlanta, GA on May 11. Traveling half of the America, the world’s biggest Rick which is also a truck and a portable store has finally come to its 45th stop in Katy, Texas.

為宣傳《瑞克和莫蒂》第三季,Adult Swim 頻道推出以「瑞克」為主題製作的商店小貨車,載著滿滿的《瑞克和莫蒂》限量獨家商品,親臨美國各地的城市,自三月十一號起這輛車便從西岸的亞特蘭大市踏上旅程,穿越近半個美利堅共和國土後,終於來到了它的第四十五站:德州的Katy市。Screen Shot 2017-09-19 at 10.49.54 PMScreen Shot 2017-09-19 at 10.50.45 PM

As my birthday month, September has always held a special place in my heart. Normally, in this time of the year, it would go by quietly as a year-around-self-reflection month; however, this time, it was filled with joy and excitement.


This September has been good to me, filling in my birthday month with Rick and Morty events. Insomnia gallery hosted an Adult Swim art show which showcases a handful of amazing fan art from our very own local artists. Then it was the coolest event of the year, “Don’t even road trip with Rick Mobile!" making its stop in Houston.

不得不說今年的九月對我格外有愛,從月初開始就是一系列關於《瑞克和莫蒂》的好消息,Insomnia藝廊不久前才舉辦了Adult Swim主題的展覽,陳列當地藝術家優秀的各項作品,接著,本年度最酷的活動「瑞克行動商店小貨車環美之旅」,來到休士頓站!

Working as a Research Technician for a lab that resembles a scoop of ice cream underneath the sun,  I hardly ever look forward to a Monday, until yesterday.  I was so pumped up for this special event that I timed myself perfectly to make sure that I get off exactly at 5pm and have enough of time to change out of my unlikable business casual outfit.

By the time I made it on North line Metro, it was 5:40. I rushed myself off the light rail and on the bus to Katy. That was my first time taking the bus to Katy from downtown Houston. As the cloud got thicker and the rain hit stronger, in order to kill my regretful thoughts,  all I could think of was the Rick Mobile.

When the bus arrived at Katy, it was raining CATS and DOGS. There was no way for me to walk 14 minutes to Alamo Drafthouse from the transit center, so I called a Lyft and saw the curiosity in the driver’s eyes. “So what is going on over there? I just dropped off someone at the same location not too long ago." I told him about the event right before I went back into rain.


When the bus arrived at Katy, it was raining CATS and DOGS. There was no way for me to walk 14 minutes to Alamo Drafthouse from the transit center, so I called a Lyft and saw the curiosity in the driver’s eyes. “So what is going on over there? I just dropped off someone at the same location not too long ago." I told him about the event right before I went back into rain.


It was an insane amount of rain pouring from the sky almost ruthlessly onto the people who were anxiously waiting in line for the exclusive Rick and Morty goodies. I, for sure, underestimated the determination of “loyal fans." The line started from the entrance of Alamo, around the building, pass the parking lot, across the back alley, over the lawn, and made a U-turn on the lawn pointing to the roads. Around 8 something, I saw a glimpse of Morty with all the remaining items listed. We were out of portal guns and Get-your-shit-together-backpack for a while.



Then it was another 30-40 minutes wait to get to the front of the line. Overall, it took me 2 hours to get to the Rick Mobile. My short shorts were still soaked in wet, my brain was drained out of energy, and my heart was telling me to get the hell out of here lolz.

*Advice: Do not go to this sort of event ALONE! The wait can be DEADLY and PAINFUL. *

給排隊苦手的建議:不要自己一個人去這種熱門活動,真的會排死人=  =


Once you get to the front, the staff members would hand you an iPad with all the items listed on the screen. That’s when you do your crazy Rick and Morty shopping. Make sure you have your credit or debit card with you by then. Because they only take cards and also think of the people behind you who probably waited longer than you.



It was mad transactions going on involved with a lot of shouting. IMG_3919

These were the T-shirts they have for the “everything" line. We heard that if you want the Pickled Rick T-shirt, there was a separate line, much shorter one for it. IMG_3921

[I will put up what I got from the night later tomorrow, maybe. Stay Tuned! ]

Rick Mobile Haul-Katy, TX 有 “ 1 則迴響 ”
